Are you tired of never-ending website updates?

Then there’s the threat of old software causing a breach..

It makes sense to outsource something so critical, yet so time consuming.

Whether it’s just yourself updating a three page website, or a multitude of developers, marketing experts and staff accessing a complex CMS or shopping cart, we can provide regular, scheduled update services that will keep your site running smoothly, keep the nasties out and deal with any issues as they arise.

One of the most commonly overlooked security measures by small business website owners are website updates. They’re constant, they’re annoying, they take time to implement, and for the most are a scary proposition, as who really has the time to backup twice a week just because one plugin needs an update?

But leaving your website out-of-date is potentially more dangerous than failing to backup your site. While updates are occasionally released to improve functionality, the vast majority are bug fixes and security patches. So by delaying updates, the risk of a hacker or robot exploiting a loophole in your website begins to rise exponentially. And having all the security in the world won’t help you if you’re running a fundamentally insecure piece of software!

Not only that, but by not updating, you’re missing out on the new features, and allowing any potential changes in the software to “build-up” over time. How often we see someone apply 20 updates to their website and wonder why it’s all broken. Frequent updates afford you the opportunity to find and repair issues quickly, instead of seeing armageddon once a year.

Updates are critical to ensure you don’t get hacked, so if you’re short on time, worried about failures or repairs, use the experts and get your updates done right.

So What Exactly Do I Get and How Does it Work?

We receive notifications on your website’s status daily, and when an update is ready to apply, we implement it immediately. This way your site is always up-to-date, always protected from potential bugs and exploits.

When a new update becomes available, we don’t just blindly apply it to your production site, we inspect each theme, plugin and core update first to ensure there are no known incompatibilities and so no nasty surprises.

The best laid plans can still result in unexpected grief, and so not only do we perform our own internal backups prior to updating your site, we perform a post-update inspection to make sure everything still looks good.

There’s absolutely no limit on the number of updates we will perform. If an update is released every day for the entire year, you won’t hear us complaining, we’ll gladly perform them as required leaving you to focus on your business.

Should we find an update that causes an issue with your site, you’re not left out in the cold. We provide up to 1hr of free maintenance per month to resolve such issues giving you the peace of mind that there’s no hidden extras.

We also optimise your database on a regular basis, by removing redundant data, such as old post revisions and orphaned database records. This significantly improves the performance of your website as your business grows.

We’re not all Photoshop gurus, and optimising images is time consuming. We’ll automatically optimise your images when uploaded, and revise your site regularly to maintain the best user experience / site performance.

Got a bunch of plugins that simply won’t update automatically because you bought them from a third party? Leave it to us, we’ll keep them up-to-date and even renew the licenses when they’re due to take away yet another headache.